Houston Credit Repair experts at Impeccable Credit Services explain what the in store credit cards are really worth in the latest blog.
What is the in store credit card really worth?
In store department credit cards can save you up to 20% on your entire purchase. The issue with these department store cards is that they often get forgotten. Simple savings can lead to negative points against your credit by getting a 30 day late or a collection. If you have the initial money for your purchase and you are able to pay it within the next week it is something to consider. If you are wanting to apply so you do not have to pay for at least a month step back and do not consider.
Should I️ apply for it?
First off if you are pre-approved consider it. Is it worth it ? Can I afford it? If you have the money for it, go for it. If you do not just get what you can afford without the discount. Do not forget to make your payment before its due. If anything does get forgotten or if you do not qualify for the savings consider a credit repair company. Credit repair can save you more than the 20% long term and you will not need department store cards to build your credit score. High rates are not worth 20% of savings. Cannot stress this enough, pay the card before the high interest hits.
Houston Credit Repair
Impeccable Credit Services has helped clients achieve financial success for years. We educate our clients how to improve their scores as well as working on the negative items. We help anyone from N/A-700s. Anyone is a candidate for credit repair. If there is room to grow we can help If you have any questions please feel free to contact us 713-378-1500.