Houston Credit Repair experts at Impeccable Credit Services explain how parents can improve and hurt their child’s credit score before they even reach 18 in the latest blog.
How Can Parents Help?
Parents can help by educating their children from an early age how important credit is. It does not take someone with great credit to explain the importance of credit. They can help by teaching them how to pay down and pay off credit cards. Creating these habits when they are young will instill responsibility and accountability ad a young age. It is never too early to educate on this matter. some parents explain and talk about credit to their children from the early age of seven! Do not do everything for your child.When they turn 18 they will have no clue how to maintain what you have built.
How Can Parents Damage Credit?
Parents can damage credit by using their child’s credit without consent or when they are younger. This puts the child in a hard place when they are able to use credit. The parent essentially committed fraud. The child does not want to prosecute the parent obviously, but they are stuck with the outcome that the parent created. I️ have even heard of someone waiting until their parent to die before even thinking about repairing the credit because they did not want any problems for their mom. If you or someone you know has this issue do not wait. There is a solution. Consider a reliable credit repair company.
Houston Credit Repair
Impeccable Credit Services has been in business for 18 years. With two physical locations we are able to help in person or virtually. We have helped many clients over the years with similar situations. We even educate parents how to properly educate their children on building credit as well! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us 713-378-1500.