Best Credit Repair Companies are hard to find. In brief, below are some things to keep in mind when searching for the best in the business.
7 Things To Look For:
Make sure that you choose a credit repair company with an actual business location. No temp offices, no home offices, a real physical address with their name on the door. This prevents frauds, and ensures stability. It is easy for companies to say they can do something, take your money and disappear if they have no permanent obligations.
2. Real Reviews
Look at the reviews. They do not need to be 5 star perfect reviews or just a rating and no actual review. Keep a look out for real testimonials and stories.
3. Game Plan
Keep in mind credit repair is a process, not a quick fix. If they say it can be done in 30 days or less it is too good to be true. It takes 45 days to process one round of disputes with the credit bureaus by law.
4. Personalized Approach
Credit repair is not a one size fits all. Every plan should be custom to you and your situation. Make sure the company provides that.
5. Online and In Person Service
Online is convenient. Portals are great for tracking what is going on with your file. You should be able to contact someone directly who is working on your file.
6. Always Available
Office hours are difficult to maintain 24/7 availability. It is important to make sure you have access to what is going on with your file or if you have questions outside of normal business hours. Our personal work might not be able to get done at work.
7. Experience
This one should probably be number one. Experience is crucial when dealing with credit repair. Professionals with experience should not have any trouble with your file no matter what. If they cannot handle it or are unsure, take that as a sign. they are not the one.
Best Credit Repair
Some companies may have a couple of the above traits. If a company has all 7 they can be considered one of the best credit repair companies. Impeccable Credit Services has been ranked Best Credit Repair in multiple cities since 2019 by expertise. Expertise ranks thousands of companies a year and are critical to their standards. If you do need credit repair go to the best in the business.
Impeccable Credit Services
Impeccable Credit Services has been in business for 18 years. With two physical locations we are able to accommodate anyone from all over the world or locally as well. With over 20 years experience we have seen it all from N/A – 815 credit scores. We educate our clients on building their credit scores as well as working on getting the negative items. We have online customer portals as well as 24/7 customer support with someone who is assigned your file. If you have any questions regarding your credit please feel free to contact us 713-378-1500.