Houston Credit Repair company Impeccable Credit Services Explains How Long Credit Repair Takes.
How Long Does Credit Repair Take?
Most people want their credit to be repaired yesterday! However, in reality it took some time to damage the credit. It is going to take some time to repair it as well. The average person does not really think about credit until it is needed to finance something using credit. Some may apply for a vehicle loan or a mortgage loan, only to be denied. This is usually when someone will begin searching for a reputable credit repair company to guide them through the process.
The Process
The first step of any credit repair process is to begin by having a tri-merge mortgage credit report pulled. Any loan officer or mortgage broker can pull this report. Once the credit report is evaluated, it can be determined whether the process will take 6 months or 12 months. This will depend on many factors such as the number of derogatory accounts, length of credit history, along with what the end goal looks like. Once all factors are taken into consideration a plan of action will be established.
Houston Credit Repair
Impeccable Credit Services has been in business for 18 years and has 2 physical locations in the Houston area. We service all 50 states and have assisted thousands of clients achieve Impeccable Credit status. Credit repair can be a long drawn out process. Sometimes being unaware can make it longer than necessary. This is where experience and the expertise of a seasoned credit professional can truly make the difference in the time it takes to build credit to the Impeccable status. Typically it should take between 6-12 months to achieve your credit repair goals. Call Impeccable Credit Services today with any questions you may have 713-378-1500. Repairing Credit, Changing Lives!
Hi! So I filed identity theft charges against my ex’s second wife both with Kansas (that is where she lives) and in Texas. Contacted Wellsfargo as soon as I noticed the fraud, went over the charges with at least 9 different “Case Managers”, all since 2019. Yet here I am with a mess on all three credit bureau’s and they all three refused to remove the $7000 plus charges that Wellsfargo is starting are mine but ONLY after I closed my account.