Credit Repair Houston Expert Vanessa Perry explains the requirements when purchasing a car. Check out our latest Ask Impeccable Episode for more answers below.
Credit Score
When someone is looking for a new car it means one of a few things. Either your car stopped working, you got in an accident, you have high milage, you just want something new. Unfortunately car dealerships tend to not understand your individual situation and just rely on credit score for approval. They only pull one credit bureau and car credit is taken under consideration with financing options.
Depending on your credit score you will have some options available to you. You can either “buy” or “lease” a car unless you are paying for the car cash in full. Buying a car and financing it means you are making a set amount of payments for a set period of time towards owning the car and title. Leasing a car means you are making payments for a shorter amount of time typically and when the time is up you return the car or have the option of paying the rest off to own the vehicle.
A downpayment is not required, as long as you have a 620 and above credit score.
Credit Repair Houston
If you do not qualify for a car, or want a better interest start by calling Impeccable Credit Services before listening to the finance guys at the dealership when it comes to credit advice. Their job is to get you in a car no matter the price or expense. By calling Impeccable you will get the answers and a solution to your problem by the end of the call. You are not going to ask your dentist to conduct open heart surgery just like you should not ask the car salesmen’s advice on credit. We can make a plan and work on getting you into a new vehicle with the best rate within 12 months and make a temporary plan that will benefit you long term.
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