Houston Credit Repair experts at Impeccable Credit Services explain how accurate scoring is such a big deal in the credit repair industry.
Why is accurate scoring important?
Scoring is crucial when beginning the credit repair process. The score and data are the most important part when diagnosing the situation as a whole. A credit repair expert will be able to tell exactly how long it will take to repair your credit with a tri-merge credit report. Typically credit repair takes 6-12. months to repair. You should not choose a credit repair company by going in blind. With being able to see an accurate report with data they can provide accurate results.
What is my credit score?
There are three credit bureaus. Each provides a credit score. The only way to have a real score is when you apply for anything with the credit bureaus or pull a tri-merge mortgage report. Other scores from online site can be 20-200 points off. The data is not always accurate as well. Consumer sites such as credit karma usually use the consumer for data and advertising, but they are not accurate and contain false information that is only meant to be for educational purposes only. If you want your credit scores, apply for financing for something, or speak with a credit expert. Identity IQ is not a reliable source as well as LifeLock.
Houston Credit Repair
Impeccable Credit Services has been in business for 18 years. With two physical locations, we are able to service people in person or virtually. We have clients all around the world and have an Impeccable footprint in all 50 states. Our system is derived of attorneys with 12 years experience. Our goal is to educate our clients about their credit while we have them in the credit repair process. If you have any questions regarding your credit score, or credit repair needs feel free to give us a call 713-378-1500.