Ever wonder how Credit Repair Expert, Vanessa Perry got into the credit business? Check out the latest episode of Ask Impeccable below and make sure to check out the article as well!
How I️ Accidentally Got Into Credit Repair:
I️ was a loan officer prior to being in the credit repair industry. After 2 1/2 years of searching, I️ found a company that had proven results. I️ continued to send my business there. Unfortunately, the customer service was lacking. While dealing with credit repair companies I made a list of all the things I would do differently if I owned a credit repair company. The list included: Great customer service, educating my clients, transparency, and 24/7 access. After 2 years of sending my business there, the owner offered to sell me a credit repair system of my own. He saw that I️ was passionate about the credit repair business. Initially, I️ thought I️ would be the loan officer that fixed my client’s credit and did their loan. After my first month of repairing credit, I️ knew I️ wanted to do it full time.
Voyage Houston
Vanessa was chosen to be a community highlight after owning Impeccable Credit Services for 18 years. Voyage is a local magazine that highlights credible individuals that inspire others through entrepreneurship. You can read the entire article on their website. Not only is her story inspirational, it also mentions the hardships of entrepreneurship that many people do not talk about openly. Vanessa is a Houston Credit Repair Expert with a degree in finance and over 20 years in the financial industry. Vanessa is a fountain of knowledge and would love to help towards your financial success.
Houston Credit Repair
If you have any questions regarding your credit or credit repair please feel free to contact us directly or check out our website for more information. We have two physical locations and can cater to virtual consultations. We also have free resources such as our Ask Impeccable videos that can possibly answer your credit questions.