Houston Credit Repair, Impeccable Credit Office Manager Glamour Perry suggests budget-friendly Thanksgiving alternatives.
How Much Does Thanksgiving REALLY Cost?
Thanksgiving has always been about gathering and thanks. Over the past 10 years, Thanksgiving has fallen victim of inflation as well as many other holidays for retail moneymakers. Within the past 20 years, turkey prices have increased from under $1/lbs to almost $1.36/lbs. Thirty-six cents might not seem like a huge difference but with a 67% price increase multiplied by the average size of a turkey, it is significant. The average turkey weight is 16 pounds. This is just for the price of the turkey. Not including sides, beverages, hors d’oeurves, and of course dessert. Multiplied by guests attending.
Thanksgiving Substitutions
Some Thanksgiving Substitutions to keep the season of giving more alive this holiday season include but not limited to the list below:
-Sushi or Cheaper meat substitute
-Small but sweet (smaller crowd to keep up with CDC guidelines along with a lower lighter budget)
-Activity vs. Dinner (movies, turkey trots, events with others rather than just dinner)
These are just some suggestions to keep your holiday fun and budget friendly. If you are having a budget conscious Turkey Day possibly consider investing in yourself this holiday season. Credit restoration is not only beneficial for lower rates, but also for financing acing opportunities and much more!
Houston Credit Repair
Impeccable Credit Services has been in business for over 17 years. We proudly have two physical locations and the capability to assist people all across the world with any credit situation. Our clients range anywhere from N/A to 700+ credit scores. Our motto is repairing credit, changing lives. We have been recognized as one of the Top Credit Repair Companies in Houston By Expertise. Our goal is to educate others and make the world a better place with Impeccable Credit and Impeccable savings!