I️n this weeks episode of Ask Impeccable, Houston Credit Repair expert Vanessa Perry explains the dangers of piggybacking with credit trade lines.
What is Piggybacking?
Piggybacking is when an authorized user is on someone else established credit trade lines. Many times spouses and couples do this as a way to build their credit. Although it could extend your credit history it is not recommended since you do not have control of the account.
Why Should I️ Not Piggyback?
By being an authorized user on the account you will be penalized if the payment is not made or sent to collections. You have no control of the account holder or their account. This puts the authorized user as a disadvantage if something was to happen to the account holder. If the account is negative all signers are penalized even if they are removed from the account. Rather than piggybacking you might want to consider credit restoration. Credit professionals understand how credit works inside and out. If you are piggybacking consider building your own credit with the help of a well established credit repair company.
Houston Credit Repair
Credit restoration companies such as Impeccable Credit Services understand how to raise your score with your own trade lines. Impeccable Credit Services assists all of our clients with the education on how to build their credit by getting their own trade lines and lines of credit. Our goal is for all of our clients to have 750+ “Impeccable Credit”. Above all with 16+ years of experience and two physical locations, we are able to help anyone worldwide. Impeccable Credit Services can answer any of your questions regarding credit. In conclusion, take control of your credit situation and give the ladies of Impeccable Credit a call at 713-378-1500. Lastly, appointments can be made over the phone, virtual or in office. Check us out online at www.ImpeccableCreditServices.com.