Houston Credit Repair specialist Vanessa Perry explains in depth what trade lines improve your credit score in the Ask Impeccable episode below.
What Builds Your Credit?
Many people assume that cars and houses build your credit. The truth behind a high credit score is the trade lines themselves. When working on raising your credit score it is best to focus on new and existing trade lines rather than paying off a car or house as soon as possible. Paying off your car may not be as many points as paying off a credit card.
Different Trade Lines Different Accounts
Different trade lines have different values. For example, a house is considered an installment loan. A car is also considered an installment loan. Rather than a credit card, which is considered a revolving account. Each account is scored differently with the credit bureaus. Be careful on what kind of account you open, since not all accounts help build your credit score.
Save Your Time & Your Money
Save your time and your money and give Vanessa a call at Impeccable Credit Services. Vanessa has been in the credit industry for 16+ years. Every client’s situation is different based on credit scores and data. Before wasting any money on unnecessary collections or bills that will not build your credit give her a call 713-378-1500.
Houston Credit Repair
In the case that you need credit restoration you should consider a reliable and dependable company such as Impeccable Credit Services. Impeccable Credit does not only assist our clients on restoring their credit, but we educate everyone on how many points everything is worth and how to build their scores themselves. The reason behind the education method is to ensure that all client’s are equipped for success and hopefully they will not need us in the future. In the situation where someone does need us again we will be happy to assist toward their financial success.
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