Why Credit Repair During Financial Crisis?
COVID-19 also known as the Coronavirus is sweeping the nation not only with a sickness, but also a wave of unsure outcomes. Many individuals who are unable to work from quarantine and are in financial deficits due to the global pandemic. Credit Repair Houston is an option. It gives more flexibility long term to the consumer and is able relieve some of the stress without filing for bankruptcy.
Credit Repair Houston V. Bankruptcy
The difference is with a bankruptcy life is put on hold for 3 years. A bankruptcy causes the consumer to be unable to buy/refinance a house for three years. Also a bankruptcy will leave a public record on your credit for 7-10 years. Whereas credit restoration restores credit without leaving negative items on your report or score. With credit repair it takes about 12 month for most cases. Your life will not be put on hold. You could have your credit restored to be able to buy or refinance with hopefully the best rates.
Credit Expert Advice
Houston Credit Repair Expert, Vanessa Perry advises in Episode 2-Ask Impeccable: COVID-19 & Credit
that if your credit is prepared before a crisis it will be able to somewhat withstand a financial crisis better than if someone is unprepared. Also if you have financial issues due to the aftermath of a crisis it is not anything that cannot be repaired. Credit is an essential of life and can help aide in a financial crisis.
Impeccable Credit, Impeccable Solution
Impeccable Credit Services is doing everything we can to keep our clients safe and accommodate their credit restoration needs. We are still having face-to-face meetings by appointment at both locations until further notice. We also are able to do virtual meetings and over the phone as well. Our clients’ credit and safety is our number one priority and we will continue to service everyone though out the quarantine.