In today’s economy more Houstonians are finding themselves needing credit report repair. Whether the cause is unexpected illness, unemployment, divorce or identity theft, the effects of bad credit can cause a great deal of stress. These unexpected events called life can result in collection accounts, late payments, repossession, judgments, tax liens, foreclosures and in some cases bankruptcy.
Know who you are dealing with
Many people have reservations when they look into hiring a credit report repair company. This feeling is normal since we have all heard of somebody that paid money for credit report repair and ended up losing money with no improvement.
Due Diligence
When looking for a credit report repair company, make sure to do your due diligence on the companies you are considering. Ask the company for a reference list. Call and talk with the references, ask about how the process went on their file. Do not hesitate to ask where their credit score began and where it ended up once the program was complete. Get a referral from a friend, coworker, builder, realtor or loan officer.
Word of Mouth
Ask people around you if they have used a service that has worked for them. Usually if somebody has had great results with a company, they will let you know. The same goes for somebody that did not receive results. Find out how long the company you are considering has been in business. If the credit report repair company you are considering has been around for a while, chances are they are not going anywhere.
Ask questions when you are considering using a credit report repair company. It is very important for you to feel comfortable. You may not always hear the answer you want to hear as far as timelines are concerned. Many reputable companies are going to give you realistic projections.
Trust your Gut
If you have questions the consultant is unable to answer, or you are rushed into signing up for the credit report repair service with questions remaining, you may want to interview another company. Ask to set up an appointment to meet face to face with your credit report repair consultant. Make sure you address all questions and concerns face to face. Finally, go with your instinct. If you feel 100% comfortable, you have found your company!